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Goal and Outcomes



The Goal of this project is to advance towards a sustainably used and resilient HCLME that can maintain biological integrity and diversity and ecosystem services for current and future generations despite changing climatic and social pressures.  The project will contribute to this goal through a targeted intervention strategy that seeks to deliver on the Project Objective: Ecosystem-based management in the HCLME is advanced through a coordinated framework that provides for improved governance and the sustainable use of living marine resources and services. Four Outcomes with their corresponding Outputs will be delivered in order to achieve this objective.


      Scallop farming areasOutcome 1 :

      Planning and policy instruments for ecosystem-based management (EBM) of the HCLME are agreed and in place at regional and national levels seeks to provide the policy and planning framework that will enable Chile and Peru to take into account multi-disciplinary, inter-sectoral considerations and the complexities and interrelationships of HCLME subsystems and trophic linkages when defining the plans and programs for managing living marine resources.

      Scallop farming areas in Marcona. Ica, Perú.




      Fishermen attending a workshop in order to prioritize species that inhabited Marcona waters. Outcome 2:

      Institutional capacities strengthened for SAP ( Strategic Action Plan) implementation and for up-scaling the results of pilot interventions to the systems level. Through this outcome, tools, mechanisms and improved managerial, technical and enforcement capacities will be delivered to enable targeted stakeholders at various levels in both public and private sectors, to effectively put into practice EBM approaches.

      Marcona's fisherfokls attending a workshop provided by the public sector. Agosto 2011.

      Ica, Perú



      Offloading shellfishOutcome 3:

      Implementation of priority MPA ( Marine Protected Area) & fisheries management tools provides options for enhanced protection of the HCLME and for SAP implementation. This outcome creates the conditions to upscale the pilot projects as well as undertake priority bi-national interventions that will provide insights into requirements for effective coordinated, multi-specific and multi-disciplinary management of the HCLME.

      Offloading shelfish. Paracas, Ica - Perú.



      HCLME Pilot siteOutcome 4:

      Implementation of pilot MPAs that underpin ecosystem conservation and resilience. This outcome will provide measurable on-the-ground experiences and information on which the planning processes to be undertaken in the previous Outcomes will be based upon. This Outcome focuses on in-situ interventions (pilots) that will validate differentiated approaches and targeted responses to overcome specific management challenges and generate models to strengthen systemic capacities over the long-term. Pilot Site "Punta San Juan" - Marcona, Ica - Perú

      Photos thanks to Michael J. Akester

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