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Our Strategy

In this part you will have further information about our strategy.

The project intervention strategy has a three pronged structure. At one level, the project will advance a strategic long-term planning framework for the identification and prioritization of actions needed to preserve and maintain ecosystem benefits and services of importance for the HCLME. At a systemic level this will be achieved through the formulation of a Strategic Action Program that includes a plan for a system of Marine Protected Areas of the HCLME (Outcome 1). This will provide an overarching platform for the conceptualization and definition of planning frameworks at national and sub-national levels.

A second thrust of the project will be on a number of in-situ interventions (pilots) that validate differentiated management approaches and targeted responses (Outcome 4).  These pilots have been selected using criteria that include global biodiversity values, potential resource generation, stakeholder interest and replication value.

The third level of the project will address the interaction between these two axes by developing the skills, instruments and mechanisms both to effectively up-scale the lessons learnt from the pilots in Outcome 4 and to strengthen capacities for implementing the strategic planning frameworks defined in Outcome 1.

The proposed project will provide a forum for enhancing dialogue and coordination for management of shared fisheries resources and to help develop common ecosystemic visions, management tools, languages and strategies. The timing of the proposed project is particularly appropriate as both Governments are making concerted efforts to improve management of the HCLME’s resources.





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