Success end:TDA process meeting and workshop
The first workshop on the piloting of the new manual for the TDA/SAP methodology (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis /Strategic Action Programme) was delivered by Dr. Martin Bloxham from the UK – the co-author of the new manual. The work was commissioned by the GEF International Waters Learning Exchange & Resource Network (IW:LEARN) project to receive feedback on the new manual designed to standardize the TDA-SAP approach. GEF IW:LEARN chose the HCLME project for this first pilot activity as it has just started activities within the TDA-SAP process.
This interesting training course had very active participation from Chilean, Peruvian and South Pacific Permanent Commission (CPPS) representatives, including a mix of government and non-government entities: IFOP, IMARPE, PRODUCE, SUBPESCA, SERNANPESCA, SERNANP, MINAM, Chilean Ministry of Environment, DIRECTEMAR, Catholic University of Valparaíso, UPCH-CSA, Pro Delphinus, ANEPAP, COPMAR, National Direction of Hydrography, Peruvian Navy, CeDePesca, TEM, among others.
The training developed the key principles of the TDA/SAP management approach and steps towards the development of the TDA: identification and prioritization of problems encountered and the associated Causal Chain Analysis. It was agreed that the Large Marine Ecosystem 5-module approach will be followed via the development of thematic reports covering: Productivity; Pollution & Ecosystem Health; Fish & Fisheries; Socio-Economics and Governance.
Apart from the piloting of the new manual and the delivery of the respective training, the outputs from the meeting included the formation of the Technical Working Groups in Chile and Peru, and the launching of the joint work plan via a "roadmap" for the 24-month TDA / SAP process that unites both countries.